People Raising Consulting & Coaching

  • Are you missing key opportunities to grow your fund raising?
  • Are you failing to take your fund raising to the next level?
  • Are you looking for ways to increase your donations?

Bill Dillon has developed a unique program tailored to the needs of Christian non-profits. For a modest monthly fee, Bill will meet with your team every month prepared to address the issues you have jointly identified as crucial to your success going forward. Then, you and Bill will identify major donor prospects, developing personal profiles for each, along with next steps for each. Every month Bill will help provide accountability, momentum and a focus on specific activities that will lead to accomplishing the agreed-on objectives.

Call today 847-971-6252 to talk with Bill.

It won’t cost you anything and it could lead to an exciting new chapter in the life of your ministry.

Initial Meeting.

Bill will meet with you and your leadership team to learn about your ministry, its vision, programs and potential. Following the initial meeting you will have a clear vision for the consulting engagement with specific goals and steps to achieve those goals.

Each Month.

Each month Bill will meet with you or your leadership team to identify major donor prospects, develop personal profiles, create action plans and evaluate progress against plans. 


One of the major reasons fund-raising and development plans fail is because of a lack of momentum. Often organizations start out with great enthusiasm only to be discouraged as each month passes by. Bill will provide renewed energy and momentum every month. He will provide accountability and a focus on specific activities that will help your team reach its goals and expand your ministry.

If your organization has a vision for the future, if you need additional resources to make that vision a reality and if you want a proven, trusted advisor by your side to make it all happen, then, yes, you could greatly benefit from a conversation with Bill Dillon. Consider areas where your organization might benefit:

√ Building a sustainable major donor pool, vs. one and done

√ Cultivating major donors

√ Building profiles on major donors

√ Developing a personal strategy for major donors

√ Identifying donor passions and interests

√ Increasing the retention rate of major donors

√ Tapping into the network of major donors

√ Transitioning new donors

√ Finding new donors

√ Developing your donor-centric fund raising philosophy

√ Upgrading occasional donors to major donors

What others are saying:

"Growing as a fundraiser is not just about memorizing a script or working through a checklist; it requires intuitive discernment and good instincts. Bill has decades of experience as a fundraiser and as a trainer of fundraisers. Learning from him helped me develop my own skills and saved me from making a lot of mistakes; he also helped me feel more confident in my approach. With his insight, inspiration, stories, and practical tips, you're sure to learn a lot."

Jeremy Mann, Founder and Head of The Field School

“If I was a ministry leader today, I sure would want to have Bill Dillon on my team to take my fund raising to the next level. He would be a valuable addition to any organization.”

Gary Griffin, Retired Investment Executive

“Bill understands that major donor work is not transactional but relational. On top of that, I relate to Bill as a businessman. He is an outstanding businessman with his MBA who understands what it takes to raise the kind of funds necessary to build a successful ministry.

“If you are looking for a person to grow the fund raising ministry for your organization, you will want to let Bill speak into your life from his years of fund raising experience.”

Phillip L. Lee, CEO, LeeCorp Homes, Inc.

“My track record with Bill Dillon goes back over 30 years. When we met I had very little to give financially but I'm now in a place where I can now contribute more substantially to the ministry. I have been struck by his servant's heart towards growing God's Kingdom in the inner city.

“In a day and age when donors come and go, Bill Dillon is more than qualified to help you secure major donors and, more importantly, retain their giving for the long run. I strongly endorse Bill Dillon as a valuable partner to any growing Christ-centered organization.”

Chuck Martin, Owner/Operator, MD Restaurant Group

“If you're looking for a donor-centered fundraising strategy, you’ve got your man in Bill Dillon.”

Lynn Griebahn DDS, CEO, Overnightline Companies

“When it comes to fundraising, everyone needs a coach. My recommendation is Bill Dillon. He is one of the best. I have known Bill for a number of years and have gleaned so much from him. He is experienced in so many areas of fundraising and is both Biblical and practical. No matter where you are in your fund raising journey, he can take it to the next level. You can’t go wrong!”

George Cheek, Executive Director, Maranatha Foundation

Success Stories

$50 to $70,000

Every gift matters, and yet many who give small amounts simply need to be inspired by learning more about the work your organization is doing and the good you are accomplishing. In this particular case a donor had made a gift of $50. As we got to know them and share more with them, we were able to get them involved in working with our kids. They got a heart for the ministry and volunteered on one of our weekend trips, then again at our summer camp. By now they were much more invested emotionally in the ministry and when they wanted to honor a family member who had passed away, they were able to provide a gift of $70,000 and were delighted to be able to do it.

They have continued to support the ministry in the range of $20,000 to $25,000 annually. It all began with a gift of $50 followed up by building that relationship.

$100 to $1Million

One principle in raising significant gifts is to look at your current donors and see whether some of them can be inspired to give more generously. In reviewing gifts, Bill looks at each gift in three ways: the amount, the individual and the locale. In this particular case neither the $100 gift nor the name of the donor suggested an opportunity, but the donor happened to live in a very affluent suburb. So, Bill asked for a lunch meeting and an opportunity to introduce the donor to more of the ministry. During the lunch, the donor offered to give a gift of $25,000, which was graciously accepted.

Additional meetings followed and when the ministry was planning a major expansion, the vision for the new opportunity was communicated.

A pledge of $250,000 soon became a gift of $1-million over five years in order to make the new ministry vision a reality.

“You never know who among your current donors has the capacity to make a huge difference — until you ask,” said Bill. “Current donors already are pre-disposed to give, so it makes sense to communicate with them the vision and the details of the ministry to see if it is something that they want to fully support.”

$5 to $20,000

A donor who gives $5 is telling you something. They believe in what you are doing, but are not yet sure of whether they can make a difference. In this particular instance, Bill was told that this individual had the capacity to make a difference and so arranged a meeting to show the donor what the ministry was doing and introduce them to some of the participants in the ministry. A tour of the facility was arranged and before the individual left, Bill asked for a gift of $5,000 — a gift one thousand times larger than they had given previously. “He said ‘You mean $500?’ and I swallowed hard and said, no I was thinking of $5,000.” The donor left and said he would get back to us.

Several days later a note arrived in the mail and I thought, “Perhaps I pushed too hard,” Only to open the envelope and find a note saying they decided to give $20,000. “I thought going from five to five thousand was a real act of faith, but found that this donor felt compelled to give even more, having been exposed to what we were doing in the ministry.”