Is Your Focus On Need Or Vision?

Is Your Focus On Need Or Vision?

As you raise funds, it is important how you make your appeal. Which of these are you using?

Need or Vision?

Way too often our focus is on need when it should really be on vision.

For example, you might share with your prospects or donors a need to raise $300 a month in support.

If you were to share that request with me, my first question out of the box is what will my gift accomplish?

How many people really get excited about simply giving money? You need to cast a vision as to what that money is going to accomplish for the Lord.

If you are raising personal support (i.e. raising $300 a month) talk about your personal vision of serving the people you are called to, and how you anticipate seeing them saved, discipled, and becoming part of a growing church.

As you make your appeal, make sure it is vision based, not need based. Try it and notice the difference it makes.